5 januari 2009

Brackish Water Fishes

An Aquarist's Guide to Identification, Care & Husbandry
384 pagina's TFH Publications juni 2007

What exactly is brackish water? Which fishes are considered brackish water fishes? What kind of tank should brackish water fishes be kept in? What special conditions do these fishes require?
Brackish water, defined as a mix of fresh water and salt water, is becoming an increasingly popular choice for home aquariums. Written with the combined effort of eight of the leading academic brackish water authorities, this comprehensive book covers over 150 of the most accessible brackish water species and provides complete care and husbandry information for each species covered. Some of the topics given more in-depth coverage are aquarium selection and maintenance, dietary needs, and feeding techniques. With improved shipping and handling techniques, brackish water fishes are now more available to the hobbyist than ever before. Learn more about this interesting niche in the fishkeeping world and how to keep your own brackish tank by reading Brackish Water Fishes.
Taal eng Oorspronkelijke titel: Brackish Water Fishes
Gewicht 1320 gr
ISBN10: 0793805643
ISBN13: 9780793805648

Fresh & Brackish Water Fishes of West Africa (Paperback)
by Didier Paugy (Author)
Product Details
Paperback: 1272 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 270991526X
ISBN-13: 978-2709915267
Product Dimensions: 24.6 x 17.4 x 8 cm
Shipping Weight: 2.4 Kg

Brackish Water Fish
Though small, this pamplet book covers many topics for the Brackish Water Fish owner. Partial Listing of contents: A Unique Environment, Equipment for a Brackish Tank, Maintenance, Salinity, Adapting Bracking Water Fish to Your Aquarium, Brackish Water Fish for Small Tanks, Fish for a Large Brackish Tank, Fish Best Kept by Themselves, and more!Author : Ed StansburyFormat : PaperbackPages : 15Published : 1988
Survey of Possibilities and Recommendations for Development of Brackish Water Fish ProductionIRIAN JAYA INDONESIA

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